Ganoderma is a fungus of the scientific name Ganoderma Lucidum. Contrary to popular belief, not all red mushrooms are poisonous. Ganoderma is one of the most complete foods in the world that has many nutritional and therapeutic values. Ganoderma Lucidum is a branch of umbel fungus that grows in nature on wood and tree trunks. Ganoderma, with about 80 different species, is a wild plant and a vehicle in nature, which these days is also produced in mushroom farms with special techniques. Ganoderma has a woody, glossy and polished texture and is very different in appearance from button mushrooms. The Hagdan part of the plant is similar to the human kidney and is brownish-red in color, which fades at the edges of the fungus. Ganoderma has been used in traditional East Asian medicine for thousands of years. Genoderma is considered as a Reishi plant in traditional Japanese medicine. The Japanese call it Rishi, meaning king of medicinal plants. Ganoderma or lingzhi in China is a symbol of health and longevity along with happiness and luck in life and has been used for medical treatment for more than 2,000 years. Ganoderma was once used only for emperors and nobles and was not available to the general public. In ancient times, the rich used Ganoderma drink with the hope of immortality and peace. In ancient China, Ganoderma was referred to as the "spiritual empowerment plant" and the "ten-year-old mushroom." According to ancient Chinese belief, drinking a concoction of Ganoderma brings immortality and longevity. Ganoderma is now known all over the world and in traditional medicine this amazing plant is used to treat many physical and mental ailments and is a healing potion. In the following, more information about the properties of Ganoderma and its nutritional value is considered for those who are interested.

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